Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Vulture vs Alligator?

Today, we went down to this place. It was pretty cool over all, but the most exciting thing that happened all day was when the lady feeding the alligators threw a piece of chicken onto the back of an alligator and he could not reach it. That by itself was pretty funny. But it got more interesting when a nearby vulture wanted a piece of the action. Hew quickly flew down and assessed the situation and paced at a safe distance around the alligator. He wanted that chicken almost more than anyone else, but was he willing to do what it took to get it? I was hoping with everything inside me that the vulture would have gotten too close to the gator and the top of the food chain would display his dominance by spreading feathers all over the pond (that would have been worth the 11 dollars I paid to get in), but he did not. Another alligator came by and snatched the chicken off the back of the helpless alligator. I was all a little anticlimactic.
I am sure that I could take some spiritual twist on the story, but why? I honestly wasn't thinking anything spiritual. I just wanted that alligator to eat the vulture. There is no real need to be overly spiritual in every arena, in fact it is kind of annoying. Sometimes we need to hope the alligator eats the bird and that is enough. The best blogs that I read are not so spiritual they make you sick. I enjoy getting to know leaders and pastors for who they are, not "what they know."


Rob said...

Actually... what would have been better, is that the other gator takes a shot at the bird, misses, bites the gator... the two get into a deathroll under the water, and a flock of vultures show up for a reptilian smorgasboard. Might have taken a few hours, but it would have justified the entrance fee.

Later Josh. Good stuff. Keep On, Keepin On My Brother.

Jeff Bumgardner said...

You are a warped individual. Me likes!

Rob said...

So Im watching Discovery Channel this weekend, all about Crocs. Didnt know that a majority of Croc attacks...95% to be exact, take place in the water. Crocs will not leave the water fully to attack... especially humans. They actually retreat to the water, when approached by man, as if to say, come on in, the water's fine. Good tidbit to know, of you go road tripping with Josh.