Saturday, June 2, 2007

People need to be loved!

As a Student Pastor I often encounter some of life's most difficult moments. Today I held the hand of a family as they walked through loosing a family member. I am so glad that there is a hope that we have in Jesus, that no matter what comes our way, we can trust him. I have learned that there is not much you can say in a moment like this that will change anything. Our job, as a believer, is to love people the way Jesus loves people. Pray for them, love them, hold their hand, and walk through life's most difficult times with them. None of us are promised tomorrow. I am reminded how fragile life is. Sometimes, God brings you to a place where he is all you have left. Those of you who have been to this place know, that it is in that moment you realize, he is all you need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.